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Your employee profile & data exports

Your employee profile is visible to every member of your account, so it’s a good way to share your information. Your HR team may have restricted editing every profile field, but you will be able to edit your preferred name, pronoun, profile picture, and bio.

Note that if you use an HRIS integration like BambooHR, Personio, or Namely, Small Improvements will populate employee information from those apps. You’ll need to make edits to your information in those apps. 


To quickly generate a PDF of all your reviews, feedback, and objectives, click the Export button on your profile.

You can export everything to a PDF, or select specific cycles or types of cycles to export. Then click the “Print” button to save as a PDF.

You can also export the content of your 1:1 Meetings.

Updating your profile picture

It’s possible to change your profile picture in Small Improvements if your team is not currently using BambooHR to import profile pictures. The option to update your profile picture is available when you edit your user profile. 

To edit your profile settings, select your avatar in the top right corner of the screen and select Edit Profile: 

From the Edit User screen, select the pen icon on your avatar picture to upload a new photo:  

Next, upload your photo by dragging a new image into the box or selecting the Choose a file button to find a file on your device. We only accept JPG and PNG images.

Updated on December 15, 2022

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