Visibility and Shared 1:1 Meetings By default, meetings are only visible to the two participants. We offer some additional options for your team. Sharing your...
Action Items in 1:1 Meetings During your 1:1 Meetings, you’ll probably talk about things you need to do. Instead of writing those notes on a...
24 questions to ask in your next 1:1 Meeting This is a guest post by Jason Lauritsen, check out our original blog post here: 24 Questions To Ask In...
1:1 Meeting templates for individuals Each employee can create meeting templates for themselves. To get started, click 1:1 Meetings > Your Meeting Templates, then ‘New...
Automated 1:1 Meetings You can create recurring 1:1 Meetings directly in Small Improvements. Click the Automations menu: Then click New Automation: Currently, 1:1...
Exporting 1:1 Meetings Each person can export their own 1:1 Meeting data. The export will contain meetings in which the employee was a...