Adding or importing people into your account Adding individual users To add a single user, go to your company directory page, and click the “+Users” button. You...
Deactivating, Reactivating, and Merging Users A deactivated user cannot access your account, but their records and information will be retained. You can always access their...
HR Admins, Tech Admins, and HR Assistant permissions There are 3 possible roles any user can have, and these roles determine what administrative permission people have access to:...
Direct and Secondary Managers “Manager” is not a special setting within Small Improvements. You create managers by setting someone as the manager as a...
Welcoming staff In order to use Small Improvements, staff will not just need an account, they also need to define a password...
User Impersonation Sometimes you need to take a closer look at someone’s account to view the account as them. In that case, Small...
Changing or resetting an employee’s password HR Admins can manually reset an employee’s password or send an email to let the employee reset it themselves. Changing...
Employee profiles Each account member has a profile page containing information like name, email address, hiring date, and a profile picture. Employee...
Company directory and org chart Small Improvements users can be viewed at a glance in the User Directory. Adding more staff There are many ways...
Create your Company as a user One of the more frequent suggestions we pass along to our customers is a little outside of the box, but...
Inviting guest 360º Feedback reviewers When you collaborate with people outside your company, they get a good look at how you work. You can invite...
Advanced user picker In most cases you can select the users you want quite easily in Small Improvements, for example when adding users...
Best practices for managing employee data It’s important to keep your employee data standardized in Small Improvements. You can use employee data to filter for specific...
What can managers see? If you have direct reports assigned to you, you’re considered a Manager in Small Improvements. If those employees have reports...